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SmartTrade to onboard large firm worth £150m of transactional Volume per year

Contributor: Kent Vorland

SmartTrade App Company Updates

Kent Vorland, CEO and Gary Prince, CSO, have been directly dealing with and meeting companies in order to facilitate and fast track the process of getting companies onboard and transacting with SmartTrade.

One of the recent companies they have onboarded is a lending company that will be using SmartTrade for their 900 UK-wide representatives, transacting £150 million per year. Staff training will take place on Wednesday 11th, March, after which initial transactions are expected to commence within the following weeks.

SmartTrade is currently in the process of onboarding a handful of various other companies that transact between £1-20 million in card volumes per year, in which we expect to have them onboarded within the next 2 months. Though this will translate into direct revenue for SmartTrade App with various margins depending on each company's volume, this will also serve as a direct proof of SmartTrade's capacity and ability to process vast volumes of payments to the large banks and institutions around the world which will in turn instill confidence in the company's ability to scale quickly and easily.

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